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Personally Identifiable Information


We only collect and process personally identifiable information (your data) for specific, legitimate purposes (for example: enquiring about a job application). Your data might include your name, email address, details about your education or employment history, geographical location and so on. It will be limited to the minimum amount required for the stated purpose at the point of collection. Your data is used only for the stated purpose you have consented to; it will be processed no further than necessary to carry out the stated purpose and will not be reappropriated for any other purpose. The provision of your data is not part of any statutory or contractual requirement or obligation. At no time will your data be subjected to automated decision making or profiling.


Non-personally Identifiable Information

Information we automatically collect about you when you visit the website by the use of cookies. We collect anonymised data through services such as Google Analytics in order to help us improve and our services and your user experience. Read more in our cookie policy.


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